Crow Creek Mine
Crow Creek Mine is one of the richest placer gold deposits in the Kenai. It and Mills Creek produced over 40,000 ounces during their hay day. Crow Creek contines to produce good gold today and the owners of the mine have turned their property into a concession that charges a modest fee to prospect on the richest placer ground anywhere south of Anchorage.

This year they have opened the upper section to suction dredges and high bankers with up to 5" suctions hoses. They are expected to charge $5 per inch diameter of suction hose. therefore, a 5" suction dredge would be charged $25 per day to operate and a high banker about $15 per day. There is a campground right at the mine with chemical toilets and free fire wood. If nothing else, it is a great place to start even if you use just a pan, hand sluice, or metal detector. The charge for panning with a hand sluice is $5 per day. A metal detector will cost you $10 per day.

Crow Creek was the site of my October suction dredging experience which you can read about by going back to the Main Menu.

The picture below shows the amount of gold taken from Crow Creek in about four hours using a hand sluice. The gold is in the upper left of the pan. Not bad for an afternoons work.


Last Update: 3/3/2007

Web Author: Rich Lampright

Copyright © 2007 by Richard Lampright - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED